Hyderabad Live | Current and Contemporary Aspects in Interventional Cardiology
Hyderabad Live | Current and Contemporary Aspects in Interventional Cardiology
We have been conducting Hyderabad Live for the last 8 years. This year the meeting was held in association with SCAI for the first time and because of the present pandemic, the meeting was completely online without any disturbance, at the same time not losing any of its glitters.
The meeting was attended by senior cardiologists from all over India and from other countries also. This year Hyderabad Live has covered the most current and contemporary aspects in Interventional Cardiology including various techniques of LM angioplasty, results of randomized trials, “How do I do?” sessions, new devices available and role of imaging.
The meeting went off very well. The Live cases were relayed to all over India and were very much appreciated.