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May 2022 Symposiums, Programmes and Talks by Dr. Sarat Chandra
Dr. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on Saphenous Vein Graft interventions as a part of an academic program conducted by GE Healthcare on 30th April 2022. About 200 young cardiologists attended this lecture. During his talk, Dr. Sarat Chandra discussed the pathophysiology of vein graft disease, differences between native vessel atheroma and vein graft atheroma, the incidence of vein graft disease, and its secular trends along with various advances in the management of the condition. He also showed some interesting cases of vein graft interventions.
1st May 2022
Dr. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on Empagliflozin in relation to heart failure as a part of a symposium on heart failure at Hotel Hyatt place, Hyderabad on 01.05.2022.
13th May 2022
Dr. Sarat Chandra delivered a talk in Hyderabad on 13th May 2022 on Vein Grafts Angioplasty during the monthly meeting of TELANGANA CSI. The meeting was attended by nearly 50 cardiologists.
15th May 2022
Dr. Sarat Chandra talked about the cardiovascular benefits of SGLT2 inhibitors on 15th May during a symposium.
Hyderabad Live | Current and Contemporary Aspects in Interventional Cardiology
Hyderabad Live | Current and Contemporary Aspects in Interventional Cardiology
We have been conducting Hyderabad Live for the last 8 years. This year the meeting was held in association with SCAI for the first time and because of the present pandemic, the meeting was completely online without any disturbance, at the same time not losing any of its glitters.
The meeting was attended by senior cardiologists from all over India and from other countries also. This year Hyderabad Live has covered the most current and contemporary aspects in Interventional Cardiology including various techniques of LM angioplasty, results of randomized trials, “How do I do?” sessions, new devices available and role of imaging.
The meeting went off very well. The Live cases were relayed to all over India and were very much appreciated.
Dr. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on “LMCA
Dr. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on “LMCA: Do We Excel at Stenting”. It was part of a debate during annual conference of Telangana CSI held at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad on 15th & 16th February, 2020.
Dr. Sarat Chandra has been invited to Patna on 23.02.20
Best angioplasty doctors in Hyderabad. Dr. Sarat Chandra, one of the best angioplasty doctors in Hyderabad has been invited to Patna on 23.02.20 to deliver a lecture on LEFT MAIN ANGIOPLASTY. The meeting was attended by more than 100 renowned interventional cardiologists from Patna and other cities and states.
Dr. K. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on “Efficacy and Safety of Very Low LDL
Dr. K. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on “Efficacy and Safety of Very Low LDL
Dr. K. Sarat Chandra delivered a lecture on “Efficacy and Safety of Very Low LDL (< 30 mg) during National Lipid Association of India annual conference (LAICON 2020) held at Chennai on 8th and 9th February, 2020.
Dr. Sarat Chandra has participated in a webcast from Hyderabad
Dr. Sarat Chandra has participated in a webcast from Hyderabad on 11th December, 2019 along with Dr. Bernard Zinman, an Endocrinologist from Ontarlo, Canada on the subject of “SGLT2 inhibitors: the new perspectives”. The webcast was attended by 600 Physicians from all over India.
Dr. Sarat Chandra has participated in a workshop by Public Health Foundation of India
Dr. Sarat Chandra has participated in a workshop by Public Health Foundation of India
Dr. Sarat Chandra has participated in a workshop by Public Health Foundation of India, which was held on 8th & 9th December, 2019 at New Delhi for developing teaching modules for cardiology updates to Physicians. The workshop was also attended by faculties from the American College of Cardiology.