DK Crush Stenting for the First Time by Dr. K. Sarat Chandra
DK crush bifurcation stenting: A case of bifurcation angioplasty was done using a DK CRUSH Stenting for the first time in our hospital, a few days ago by Dr. K. Sarat Chandra and Dr. Deepak Kumar Saha. Patient Mrs. AP is 58 years old. There are a variety of techniques for doing bifurcation angioplasty and DK CRUSH is considered as the best with very good long-term results (although a complex technique). In this technique, a stent which is placed into the side branch is crushed in the proximal part and through multiple steps, the result is obtained as shown in the following figures. After the procedure, the patient recovered very well. The success of the case reflects our teamwork and the contribution of our catheterization laboratory and cardiac ICU staff.